Unframed prints: FREE Worldwide.

Framed prints within NZ: FREE

Framed prints to Australia: $70 below 1 square meter (most prints). $190 for large prints.

Note: Framed prints can only be sent to NZ and Australia. Please selected unframed for other countries.

Any customs taxes/duties are not included in your order total. UK are Duty Free! Please check your countries customs policy to see if these charges may apply at your border.


All shipping is via Tracked Courier.

Processing time until dispatch: 0-3 days for Unframed, up to 10 working days for Framed.

Shipping times from dispatch:

New Zealand –  1-5 working days.

Australia –   5-10 working days.

Rest of World –  UNFRAMED.  5-15 working days.

*Rebekah keeps stock of her “top selling” prints (plus others) ready to dispatch same day if ordered by 1pm.

Should you need a print urgently, please call Rebekah to check if she has yours in stock ready to send:

022 154 2868

Free returns on all New Zealand orders.

If the print arrives to you damaged or defective or even if you simply change your mind when seeing the print in person, your return shipping is free!

Simply email Rebekah within 30 days of receiving your print [email protected]

A return address label will be emailed to you for the package, and then click to order the courier.

Overseas? If the print arrives damaged or defective your return postage/replacement is Free. Simple email Rebekah within 7 days of receiving your print.

Return postage for ‘change of mind’ returns outside New Zealand will need to be organized and paid for by you. You have 60 days from when your print arrived to return it.

Rebekah will happily exchange a print should you change your mind. Simply email her at [email protected] and post your print back. Return shipping costs are Free within New Zealand, all other countries organized and paid for by the customer.